Assisi House, Inc.
To support the salary and benefits of the Program and Volunteer Director who will support the recruitment, training, and retention of an Accompaniment Volunteer Program.
Community Hope Center
To address poverty as brokenness and a lack of flourishing in lives and relationships through cohorts of community members working toward restoration and healing with the NETworX program.
Extreme Faith STL, Inc.
To support service and leadership development opportunities for youth and mission/service teams with a converted bus with portable showers and a commercial kitchen.
Feed My People
To expand information and referral services to food pantry clients and implement best practices with volunteer and staff training.
Metropolitan Congregations United for St. Louis
To support the addition of a Data Management Organizer to assist staff of both MCU and United Congregations of Metro East by managing the database system, analyzing strategic relationship building, and providing leadership development.
Room at the Inn
To strengthen the volunteer practices of Room at the Inn by hiring a consultant to undertake a volunter audit/assessment, create a comprehensive volunteer manual and develop an online database.
St. Joseph Housing Initiative
To formalize the volunteer management program by developing volunteer policies and procedures, targeting recruitment to diverse congregations, and evaluating volunteer activities.
The Global Orphan Project
To support the expansion of CarePortal in the St. Louis metro area to engage and equip local churches to respond to Jesus' call in Matthew 25 to step into the lives of children and families in crisis.
Volunteer Leadership dba Cancer Companions
To engage volunteers in a program expansion that seeks to reach individuals with cancer not traditionally served by the agency through volunteer training, telephone calls, and resource guide.
Congregation Community Engagement
To build relationships in the community by offering a production of "The Last Days of Judas Iscariot" in November 2021.
To support the congregational strategic planning process with the LCEF as facilitators.
To support the professional development of three teams and leaders who are passionate about serving the community.
FCS Urban Ministries
To support churches and other community organizations in Alton, Ill., for two years of intensive training. Cohort members will focus on the three “A’s” of: ASSESSING their own community work and the unique dynamics, needs, and possibilities of the communities in which they are rooted; ALIGNING their program plans to reflect the assessment results; and ACTIVATING those program plans in their congregations and community.
To intentionally connect to middle school (6th-8th grade) youth in the school and neighborhood with monthly gatherings.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church for the Deaf
To assist the host church (Immanuel) in coordinating Grace Day as it will now rotate among five participating Jefferson County Lutheran Churches.
To expand outreach to deaf people and families in the St. Charles region.
To support congregational participation in year three of the Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) St. Louis-based cohort
To create a weight room in the community center to aid in mentoring younger men in the neighborhood.
To support congregational participation in year three of the Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) St. Louis-based cohort.
To support congregational participation in year three of the Pastoral Leadreship Institute (PLI) St. Louis-based cohort.
To provide prayer bags with Recovery Bibles to 100 people who attend Recovery Fest on Sept. 18, 2021.
To provide an event for the community to proclaim the good news that God sent His son to save us.
To hire a part-time CIE intake coordinator to better support clients and neighbors in the church food pantry.
To support congregational participation in year three of the Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) St. Louis-based cohort.
To reach out to the Orchard Farm/St. Charles Community by connecting with our neighbors and engage the members in service to the community.
Foreign-Born Populations
Casa de Salud
To facilitate the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine to foreign-born individuals and families by purchasing storage equipment.
Casa de Salud
To offer healthcare navigation, patient advocacy, and case management through the Guides for Understanding, Information, and Access program.
Children's Home Society of Missouri dba FamilyForward
Christian Friends of New Americans
To support 24 Lutheran Churches' fundraising efforts to support CFNA.
To expand artisan leadership opportunities to increase the number of immigrant and refugee women who can develop their artistic and entrepreneurial skills and earn supplemental income.
Health Protection & Education Services
International Institute of Metropolitan St. Louis
To respond to the St. Louis Afghan refugee crisis by increasing organizational capacity with a Volunteer Coordinator, Donations Coordinator, and investments in IT software and infrastructure.
To improve the self-sufficiency of eight foreign-born families who are survivors of domestic violence by providing culturally competent housing and support services.
Maryville University of St. Louis - Walker Scottish Rite Clinic
To provide 210 immigrant clients with crisis intervention, case management, and community education with the support from Community Navigators and a Bilingual Family and Community Advocate.
Sierra Leone Community of St. Louis
To provide after-school programming to school-aged children with homework help, recreation activities, and creating relationships with trusting adults.
St. Francis Community Services
St. Francis Community Services
To support the agency's efforts to increase access, education and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine through collaborative efforts, event coordination, and an informational video series.
To support a collaboration of funders looking to support new arrivals into St. Louis.
St. Louis Crisis Nursery
St. Louis Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America
St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute
To provide 20 foreign-born individuals with mental health services through the Mental Health Collaborative and strengthen evaluation with the use of an Electronic Medical Records system.
Washington University
To provide 50 immigrants with client-centered, cross-cultural legal services and to increase interest in immigration law by training law students.
Justice-Involved Individuals and their Families
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri
Center for Women In Transition
Center for Women In Transition
Connections to Success
To provide employment readiness training and support, including a Job Coach and Mentor, to 60 justice-involved individuals in the Metro East area.
Criminal Justice Ministry
To align organizational activities around clearly defined strategic direction and priorities to achieve the vision of empowering those impacted by incarceration and eliminating recidivism through program evaluation, business planning for property management entity, and strategic planning with the Board of Directors and other key stakeholders.
Dream Center of Alton, NFP
To provide 80 justice-involved individuals with basic needs, discipleship, life skill classes, and job referral and placements upon release from jail/prison.
Fathers and Families Support Center
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
To preserve the mother-daughter relationship of incarcerated parents, reduce the trauma of separation, and minimize girls' at-risk behavior through Girl Scouting, and provide opportunities for 40+ girls to share positive experiences with their incarcerated mothers with expansion to the Chillicothe Correctional Center.
Healing Action Network
International Crisis Aid
To support the expansion of crisis intervention services provided to 326 justice-involved individuals who have been victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Jacob's Ladder Ministries
To provide 30 justice-involved men and women with group and one-on-one mentoring utilizing a Christian-based mentoring curriculum and Christian volunteers.
To support implementation and management of a customized Salesforce database for the Employment and Community Health as One (EACH1) project.
Near Southside Employment Coalition (NSEC)
To rehab the façade of the building including windows.
Queen of Peace Center
To support PROJECT WORTH (Women Overcoming Re-incarceration Through Hard work), which offers peer support services, parenting education, and expanded access to physician services to 60 justice-involved women seeking treatment for a substance use or co-occurring disorder.
Reset Missouri
To provide supportive, family-style housing for 12 men who have been convicted of a sex crime, are required to register on the sex offense registry, and are coming directly from incarceration.
SoulFisher Ministries
To provide post-release, reentry services for justice-involved women, specifically those released from the Women's Eastern Reception and Diagnostic Correctional Center in Vandalia and returning to St. Louis. Services include supportive housing at scattered sites and case management.
Lutheran Schools & Organizations
To support the Principal of Immanuel Lutheran School in Olivette to participate in the professional development program Principal 360.
Intersect Arts Center
To develop an Arts and Faith Mentorship Program to deepen the connection between Intersect and congregants at Holy Cross Lutheran Church.
Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois
To purchase air purifiers to aid in the safe return of youth campers in the summer of 2021.
Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA)
To more effectively serve area Lutheran school students by offering continuous educational improvement programs and resources through curriculum development, administrator and teacher professional development, marketing, and student services.
Lutheran High School Association
To provide annual scholarship assistance for three years for up to 15 students per year who matriculated from Unity Lutheran School (East St. Louis) and further develop their God-given skills through the formation of Leadership Development initiatives that will prepare them for academic success and leadership roles at Metro-East Lutheran High School and beyond.
To support the development and implementation of the marketing program by employing staff to increase enrollment and manage social media platforms, fundraising events, and the website for Our Savior's church and school community.
Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation
To provide 159 students with a quality Lutheran education by providing scholarships to children from low-income families residing in the City of St. Louis.
Older Adults Maintaining Independence
To enable 60 older adults living in their home access to private duty services, durable medical equipment, and transportation by providing financial support.
Cardinal Ritter Senior Services
To enable 35 older adults to remain in their home with ongoing case management and emergency assistance.
Deaconess Faith Community Nurse Ministries
Deaconess Faith Community Nurse Ministries
To improve the health outcomes of 100 low-income seniors by providing case management, emergency assistance, and financial education through faith community nurses.
Food Outreach, Inc.
To improve the overall health and disease management among 30 low-income veteran older adults affected by diabetes by providing nutritional, made-from-scratch meals, and dietitian services.
HealthVisions Midwest
To reduce social isolation and increase connectedness among 48 older adults with the Circle of Friends program and volunteer telephone reassurance calls.
Lutheran Senior Services
Memory Care Home Solutions
To support 145 families with a loved one with Alzheimer’s and Dementia by providing in-home assessments, case management, and occupational therapy to ensure the implementation of skills, tools, and community resources that improve safety and quality of life.
MindsEye Radio
Missouri EnergyCare, Inc. dba EnergyCare
To ensure older adults are able to remain safe and healthy at home by providing weatherization, energy audits, and equipment.
To provide 100 older adults with classes to improve their physical health, mental health, and community engagement through educational and wellness programming.
Shepherd's Center of Webster-Kirkwood
To address the digital divide and promote healthy behaviors among older adults by providing tutoring, digital literacy classes, navigation, and devices.
Touchette Regional Hospital
To improve the health outcomes of 180 low-income older adults by providing health assessments, case management, and assistance with basic needs.
Lutheran Services in America
To provide annual support for 2021.
To provide tuition support in honor of Michelle Eggold.
Philanthropy Missouri
To honor the departing Executive Director of Philanthropy Missouri by supporting a farewell event and gift.
Grand Total